David Walser wrote:

> I tried courier-imap and it was flaky, went back to
> UW.  Not fancy, but easy to set up, supports SSL, and
> just works.

The only thing you need to do to make courier-imap work for everyone is:

# maildirmake /etc/skel/Maildir

(and of course for other users).

I wonder then why I have to kick our uw-imap server here every 2-3 days
when it stops responding (I have to restart xinetd because imapd or
imapsd keeps crashing).

My courier sites I haven't been to in months, and it just keeps working.

> I'm not in love with Maildir anyway.

You would be if you had users with big mail folders ...

The courier site had some interesting stats on performance of uw vs
courier. It was single-user, and just scaling mentally showed the
problems uw will have on a multi-user site ...

> I'm tired of hearing it won't make it in because of
> the license, I think someone has something against it.
>  I hope someone comes up with a clear explanation of
> what the deal on that is.

Can someone answer authoratively on why cyrus keeps being ignored?


|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za
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