torsdagen den 6 februari 2003 14.20 skrev Buchan Milne:
> Oden Eriksson wrote:
> >>Well, primary server (including ldap master, windows domain controller
> >>amanda etc) is running fine, and the old server is up and running as a
> >>hot spare with rysnc syncing nightly (we will have to see if rsync can
> >>keep 130GB of data in sync over  128k ISDN ;-)). So that means we can
> >>start play^H^H^H^Hworking on the mail server ....
> We've got the 130GB (spare some directories which change often but are
> of no long-term consequence, thus we exclude them) syncing in under 12
> hours most nights with --bwlimit=16, except when some id10t user decides
> to rename a big directory for no reason ...

Hmm..., I suspect autocad backup files here? It's that's what taking so much 
space? And if so how do you get rid of it? I have one client complaining 
about the new autocad and its tendence to save backup files all over the 
place..., their dat backup suddenly is not enough...

> >>OK, we have a spare box that happens to run cooker, and I have bincimap
> >>installed but Mozilla don't like it.
> >>
> >>1)Do I need to maildirmake ~/Maildir as with courier, and if so how
> >>(urpmf maildirmake gives courier-imap which conflicts with bincimap :-()
> I installed courier on my box and maildirmade from there, but I guess
> now with your new package it's now issue.

Yes, you mean the "maildirmake++" package? That breakout should have been done 
a long time ago.

> > I think you can define mailbox in /etc/*.conf if needed.
> >
> >>2)Anything else I need for non-ssl but to bounce xinetd and configure
> >>/etc/pam.d/checkpassword-pam ?
> (one also needs to enable "allow plain auth in non ssl" in the config
> file it seems if you want to test without ssl, but I'm not sure ...z)

This is very wierd..., I had this working at work right out of the box 
(bincimap + checkpassword-pam) for a testuser I made. At home I can't seem to 
get it to work other than using "checkpassword".

> > I must admit I know very little how this should be configured (pam), I
> > tried to look at other packages to give me hints. If all else fails try
> > to use DJB's "checkpassword" package without pam support and change the
> > xinetd files, I think vdanen has binaries.
> >
> > A pam guru should help out here...
> Well, I have been playing some more, but still no success with bincimap.
> I do get a login prompt from mozilla now, but it doesn't authenticate.
> checkpassword-pam isn't very communicative on errors:
> Feb  6 14:45:00 caeisd1 xinetd[9133]: START: imap pid=9140
> from=

man checkpassword-pam ?

Anyway I think bincimap is very promising with its modular a-la DJB approach, 
next version will also work better with vpopmail.

I think there is a myriad of checkpassword hacks out there, 
checkpassword-mysql, radius, pgsql, ldap, etc. And this is very cool.

> The same setup works with courier-imap out-the-box against our LDAP
> server with pam_ldap (courier runs on my box, binc on another cooker
> box, all other pam services authenticate fine on both machines). And
> both machines mount the same NFS homes, and courier serves mail from the
>  ~/Maildir just fine.

I think you better off with courier-imap for production usage.

> Also:
> [caeisd1:~]# rpm -Uvh /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/bincimap-1.0.20-1mdk.i586.rpm
> Preparing...                ###########################################
> [100%]
>    1:bincimap               ###########################################
> [100%]
> Generating the default IMAP SSL cert..., hold on...
> /etc/ssl/bincimap/bincimap.pem already exists.
> error: execution of %post scriptlet from bincimap-1.0.20-1mdk failed,
> exit status 1

Ahh, shit... I have to fix this ugly hack, everyone is invited to help out. My 
philosophy is not to do endless fool proof tests in a closed environment 
before releasing a new software I have packed. If I did, there would be no 
point of continue improving it..., or work on it. This is especially true 
with bincimap. If I however got paid/fundings and resources it would be 
another matter.

> I think, unless something improves soon, we will use courier to migrate,
> we can always try binc again later ...

When bincimap is stable enough I will use it in production for my own system, 
and also for another system I help maintain that has a pretty huge userbase. 
But I need Maildir++..., until bincimap has this, I go courier-imap for 
production usage.

Regards // Oden Eriksson,

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