Le Vendredi 7 Février 2003 12:35, Han Boetes a écrit :
> Michael Scherer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Just take a look at the discussion for Maildir in /etc/skel, which
> > involves changes in main. If there is a distinction between developers,
> > because some of them have control on main, and the others not, this is no
> > good.
> On the contrairy. If I _think_ I have a good idea it doesn't mean it is a
> good idea. So I make a suggestion. If it convinces the mdk people they will
> implement it and if they don't that's too bad.
> Often it happens that what is good for me isn't good for a distro. Should
> it be added? Nope. But I will certainly add to my own install.

This is not the pb of a good idea or not, it is the 'only main is supported' 
and 'only mdk people have control over main'.

This was a example, a bad one, I agree.

If you look to previous post, you see that I'm not against the idea of a 
technical comitee. This is mandatory for quality, so, obviously, we can't 
accept any change, of course.

But, the point of the thread was to remove distinction between mdk employees 
and other people. And, well, this is a huge difference between the two.

This is not the most annoying thing. The lack of guidelines, and of good 
policy is annoying. I'm pretty sure that a lot of people would contribute if 
we give them the occasion. Of course, this need precise and strict rules, 
but, I don't see anything on mandrake website. Nothing more than 'use 

> > IMHO, the problem of contrib support is the lack of people.
> > But, if the support team grow bigger, by including volunteers
> > developpers, if the bug are handled by the mainteners, and if each people
> > have fewer packages, this is solved, no ?
> >
> > I think that everything should be equally supported by the community,
> > and, if someone want to pay for having Mandrake supporting a program for
> > them, they can.
> >
> > We can provide normal support, Mandrake can and should provides
> > commercial support. Then, they can pay developpers, they can provides
> > bandwidth and CPU, and so on.
> Hmmm hard to descibe all possible situations isn't it?

This may not be a good example, but, a french consulting firm named Alcove was 
sponsoring Debian developpers, only to works as consultant for them, or to 
maintain packages. This is not a good example, since they ran ou of business, 
but, this seems a good business model.

Of course, this is not a miracle solution. But, it has to be discussed.


Mickaël Scherer

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