Danny Tholen wrote:
On Friday 14 February 2003 01:17, Pedro Soria-Rodriguez wrote:

Hello, I am using a MDK 9.0 system that I have been updating with
cooker RPMs since I installed 9.0.
No, you do not update your 9.0 system with cooker. Instead, it is called 'screwing your system'.
cooker rpms were never made for the purpose of updating 9.0. It is unsupported and questions about it do not belong on this list.
If you want updated 9.0 rpms, ask on mandrakeclub.

Ok, but ...

How man is supposed to upgrade to 9.1 when it is out if it was not a fully tested process ?

Aren't we supposed to test cooker and report bugs ?

I think the upgrade process is *a very important feature* that *should* be *deeply tested* here.

How are we able to get reliable upgrade process if it is not tested though all along the cooker maturation ?


Léa Gris
() Campagne du ruban texte brut contre les courriels en HTML,
/\ contre les pièces jointes Microsoft.

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