On Sun, 2003-02-16 at 14:06, et wrote:
> On Sunday 16 February 2003 04:07 am, Buchan Milne wrote:
> > On Sat, 15 Feb 2003, R. Dale Thomas wrote:
> > >   I have a box that I have previously installed 9.0 from DVD.
> > > I have made major changes in disk drives & DVD reader.  However, now
> > > attempting an install, with the 9.0 DVD or the CD's from 9.1b3 (which
> > > I have used to install on another box, so they are OK), everything
> > > seems to go alright untill the loading of second stage, and after
> > > clearing the screen and issuing the message "loading second stage"
> > > it just hangs.  Nothing happens at all.  Any ideas what I should
> > > change?
> >
> > Did you change ram? Have you tested your ram recently?
> > http://www.memtest86.com
> there are a number of possible reasons, but may i suggest that at least here 
> on Cooker we try and steer each of this type of question to a "more 
> appropreate list" like expert or newbie, in as a polite manner as is 
> possible? or even ask the poster to contact us personally ratehr than risk 
> this list turning into the gab-fest that the newbie list is. and lso let's 
> ask if the question has been asked in other forums, since this was asked in 
> the club with in the last 24 hours also, (aand was answered, maybe not as 
> quickly as the poster would have liked, but thern again, a search of the 
> archives would have given as many differnet answers to try as this list and 
> would have been even quicker.

The fact that it seems to happen to so many people suggests to me that
at least some of them are experiencing Mandrake bugs, which makes
discussing it legitimate on this list.

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