On Monday February 17 2003 07:18 am, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> Tom Brinkman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >   This probly won't help, sorry ;(  I booted with the b3 1st CD
> > and, <F1>, typed in 'expert'. it hung again. Altho the cursor is
> > blinkin on the screen, the system will not respond to
> > <ctl-alt-F4>, or anything else < -F*> for that matter (gave it 10
> > mins).
> If it doesn't respond to Ctrl Alt F4 it means the kernel is
> totally frozen :(.

     Doesn't seem to be. If I let it sit on "Loading 2nd Stage" for 
several minutes and do a reboot, my cpu temps are still fairly 
normal.  And as I said, the cursor is still blinking the whole time 
the system just sits there going nowhere.

> What if you switch to console #4 right before the freeze? (at the
> time it will start to load the ramdisk) Any interesting last
> kernel messages?
> On my test machine, I can see no problem booting on the CD#1 with
> "expert" option..

     'alt-F4', 'crtl-alt-F4', neither works. I did as you suggested 
and tried F4 while the 1st stage was loading. It's like the keyboard 
is lost as soon as 1st stage begins to load.

> >   I mentioned in my previous post that it was 512 ram at cas2. It
> > was also set to 4-bank interleaving, ie, aggresive timings.  I
> > tried again with cas3, interleaving disabled, even tried
> > underclocked to 30 mhz (pci) ...same deal ... hung on 'expert'
> > "loading second stage". Regular install option has no problems.
> What if you choose default bios settings?

   Default is cas3 with bank-interleaving disabled, so yes, I tried 
with bios defaults, tho the ram is fully capable of more aggressive 
timings.  Has been so in several systems.

> If it's a recent machine -> we're having trouble with acpi, did
> you try to boot with "expert acpi=off"?

   I tried 'expert acpi=off', 'expert acpi=off no apic', and 'expert 
acpi=off no apic mem=nopentium', all with the same result, the 
systems just sits doing nothing after the "2nd stage" starts.

 BTW, after the system is booted normally, crtl-alt-F* does work. The 
system is almost two years old, ie, not recent.

    Tom Brinkman                  Corpus Christi, Texas

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