On Wednesday 05 March 2003 21:07, rcc wrote:
> On Wed,  5 Mar 2003 14:50:04 -0500 (EST)
> st_barszus  wrote:
> > Still valid, the device should be set to ONBOOT="yes" after
> > configuration or it should be asked like it is done for network cards.
> thanks for bringing this up again, I almost forgot about it. How's the
> capi stuff doing?

It would be fine to have updated  isdn4k-utils as pppdcapiplugin is missing, 
would be needed anyway, as currently they seems to be not maintained and are 
in main. I filed a bug for this in cooker too (current in cooker 3.1pre1 , 
current : 3.2pre3) The only I can do about it is complaining complaining 
I'm working together with [http://teledat.sourceforge.net] for the usb 
devices, to get a normal ./configure; make && make install approach. This one 
I will use to make an RPM. First steps are done. As soon as the usb devices 
are ready I will extend that for the intern cards => doing rpm and then I 
will have a look at the Fritz!DSL. What belongs to the usb I guess I'm ready 
this weak. I guess I should sign up as volunteer for the Club then. The usb 
devices have more priority for me as they have no free driver.

> Will you make it available somewhere ?

I could use sourceforge, but it would be better to put it in the club. I will 
take care of it then I'm ready or nearby. As the drivers are not free I guess 
there will be something to clear before. 

> > Further if ISDN is configured and kisdndial is in the distro it should
> > be installed/started for easier dial out. This would need to ensure
> > the correct rights on devices and needed commands.
> I think kisdndial is not in mdk's repository. The rpm for 9.0 from the
> author's site was made with checkinstall (boo!). I've made a quick spec
> (by adapting k3b's spec because of the dreaded CXX error) and the
> latest version of kisdndial builds fine and the applet loads. Can't test
> further because I don't have ISDN. 

kisdndial would need a patch (I can provide the patch if time permits):
- it wants /sbin/isdnctrl setuid root which is not acceptable, it doesn't even 
try if it has the needed permissions. I asked the author of the program but 
he does not want to change it. 

it crashes the taskbar if you close the applet (very ugly) 
Currently I test LineControl as GUI dial up tool (very nice) ;)

it would be fine to create a group dialup on installation (or is there one in 
mandrake?) and set the rights and ownership on /sbin/isdnctrl and the devices 
right. As I read is a user (with isdn4k-utils 3.2pre3) only allowed to dial 
and hangup with isdnctrl, so another reason for updating isdn4k-utils.

> - Mark

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