On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 22:23:49 +0100
Steffen Barszus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Currently I test LineControl as GUI dial up tool (very nice) ;)

why does that remind me of kinternet? I think the concept is similar
when used on a local machine...
> it would be fine to create a group dialup on installation (or is there
> one in mandrake?)

pppusers? But that has given me headaches without end. On all dial up
machines I installed there were weird permissions probs.

> and set the rights and ownership on /sbin/isdnctrl
> and the devices right. As I read is a user (with isdn4k-utils 3.2pre3)
> only allowed to dial and hangup with isdnctrl, so another reason for
> updating isdn4k-utils.

I guess I have to do that myself for now it's probably too late for 9.1

- Mark 

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