Hi Dmytro,

Thank you very much for suggestions! I checked it and here
is my results:

If we consider case when the whole array is sorted,
we can omit setting sentinel and restoring original value:

//  int before = a[left - 1]; a[left - 1] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

    for (int j, i = left + 1; i <= right; i++) {
        int ai = a[i];
        for (j = i - 1; /* j >= left && */ ai < a[j]; j--) {
            a[j + 1] = a[j];
        a[j + 1] = ai;
//  a[left - 1] = before;

I checked this version and found that it works little bit faster
(only 0.4-0.3%) with client VM, but loses more than 2.5% under
server mode in compare with one-pivot version from JDK 6:

                     client   server
           original: 60.75%   48.20%
no setting sentinel: 60.40%   50.88%

If we add additional check which case is sorted, I think, we
don't win at all.

And if pivot candidates are not put back to array, it shows
very poor results:

                    client   server
          original: 60.75%   48.20%
no back candidates: 66.80%   53.95%

I run one pivot version taken from JDK 6: I replace in Dual-Pivot
implementation with all optimizations dual-pivot partitioning by one-pivot:
but it remain still slower than DPQ. So, the main point of DPQ is not only
in optimizations, but in dividing array into 3 parts instead of two.

Thank you,

Dmytro Sheyko wrote:
Hi Vladimir,

The trick with sentinel is quite cute. Going farther, I think it is not always necessary to replace left outer element with the least possible value (and restore it later after sorting) because after partitioning every element in adjoining array part can play the role of sentinel. The only exception is when the user requested to sort array partially (not from the beginning). Thereby we should care about setting sentinel explicitly in this exceptional case only and only once before sorting whole array.

Also it seems to me that it is not necessary to put pivot candidates (5 elements that are used to choose pivots) back to array because anyway they are to be sorted later and likely change their positions.

I am also interesting in theoretical rationale why dual pivot quicksort is better than single pivot one. The last document that I have seen (Last updated: September 22, 2009) compared classic quicksort (where pivot is chosen arbitrarily) with "classic" dual pivot quicksort (where pivots are also chosen arbitrarily). As conclusion they both perform about 2*n*ln(n) key comparisons. However jdk had improved quicksort: median-of-three and pseudomedian-of-nine approaches were used. And median-of-three approach lead to 12/7*n*ln(n) key comparisons. On the other hand, dual pivot quicksort is also improved: pivots are chosen from 5 candidates, and hence it must perform less than 2*n*ln(n) key comparisons.

Dmytro Sheyko

 > Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 01:50:08 +0400
 > Subject: New portion of improvements for Dual-Pivot Quicksort
 > From: vladimir.iaroslav...@googlemail.com
 > To: core-libs-dev@openjdk.java.net
 > Hello, everyone!
 > I've investigated the implementation of the Dual-Pivot Quicksort
 > which is used for sorting primitives and here is my result:
 > http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alanb/6947216/webrev.00
 > New implementation of Dual-Pivot Quicksort is faster
 > than previous one of 12% for client VM and few percents for
 > server VM. Tests on Bentley's test suite (Win XP, JDK 7,
 > build 1.7.0-ea-b84, n = 1000000) show geometry mean 0.88
 > for client VM and 0.98-1.00 for server VM.
 > In compare with sorting from JDK 6 by Jon L. Bentley and
 > M. Douglas McIlroy's (with one pivot) the ratio is 0.61 / 0.50
 > (client / server).
 > See the execution time for sorting array of 2`000`000 int elements
 > 50 times, client / server VM, in milliseconds:
 > random
 > new: 16723 18776
 > jdk7: 17571 18975
 > jdk6: 22241 26524
 > ascendant
 > new: 3541 4702
 > jdk7: 4486 4669
 > jdk6: 8667 7978
 > descendant
 > new: 3854 4907
 > jdk7: 4942 5034
 > jdk6: 8787 8243
 > equal
 > new: 234 281
 > jdk7: 291 230
 > jdk6: 602 1018
 > organ pipes
 > new: 7673 8613
 > jdk7: 8167 8993
 > jdk6: 11902 14044
 > stagger 1
 > new: 7648 8591
 > jdk7: 8161 8979
 > jdk6: 11908 13810
 > stagger 2
 > new: 8349 9299
 > jdk7: 10968 11916
 > jdk6: 12194 14734
 > stagger 4
 > new: 8475 9622
 > jdk7: 9221 9682
 > jdk6: 10523 12006
 > stagger 8
 > new: 9321 10689
 > jdk7: 11125 12387
 > jdk6: 13829 16214
 > period 1..2
 > new: 758 751
 > jdk7: 870 754
 > jdk6: 1038 1227
 > period 1..4
 > new: 1004 963
 > jdk7: 1365 1209
 > jdk6: 1511 1847
 > period 1..8
 > new: 1588 1573
 > jdk7: 1599 1790
 > jdk6: 2602 3045
 > random 1..2
 > new: 1327 1125
 > jdk7: 1362 1496
 > jdk6: 1531 2182
 > random 1..4
 > new: 1830 2118
 > jdk7: 1851 2236
 > jdk6: 2292 3025
 > where stagger(m) is array like a[i] = i * (m + 1) % length.
 > The summary of changes is:
 > 1. For sorting small arrays is used insertion sort with sentinel
 > instead of traditional, which has the structure:
 > for (int i = left + 1; i <= right; i++) {
 > for (j = i; j > left && a[j-1] > a[j]; j--) {
 > swap(a[i], a[j-1]);
 > }
 > }
 > Note that range check j > left is performed on each iteration,
 > but really helps very rare. To avoid this expensive range check,
 > it was suggested to set minimum value (negative infinity) on the
 > first position. This type of suggestion is used in new version:
 > if left bound > 0, we can put sentinel on a[left - 1], do insertion
 > sort without expensive check range, and then restore a[left - 1]
 > value. If left == 0, traditional insertion sort is used. Please,
 > look at the webrev for details.
 > 2. In previous implementation 5 evenly spaced elements
 > sixth = length / 6;
 > a[sixth], a[2 * sixth], a[3 * sixth], a[4 * sixth], a[5 * sixth]
 > were used as candidates of pivots elements. This case is very
 > sensitive for period inputs, especially by 6. The new suggestion
 > is to take 5 center evenly spaced elements like this:
 > int seventh = length / 7;
 > int midpoint = (left + right) >>> 1;
 > a[midpoint - 2 * seventh], a[midpoint - seventh], a[midpoint],
 > a[midpoint + seventh], a[midpoint + 2 * seventh]
 > and moreover, the seventh is calculated inexpensively:
 > seventh = (length >>> 3) + (length >>> 6) + 1;
 > This schema works the same on random, ascendant, descendant, equal
 > inputs, but much better for period / stagger.
 > 3. The whole structure
 > <choose pivots>
 > if (pivotsDiffer) {
 > <do partitioning for two pivots>
 > }
 > else {
 > <do partitioning for one pivot>
 > }
 > <sort left and right parts>
 > if (!pivotsDiffer) {
 > return;
 > }
 > <swap internal pivot values to ends>
 > <sort center part>
 > was modified to:
 > ----------------
 > <choose pivots>
 > if (pivot1 < pivot2) {
 > <do partitioning for two pivots>
 > <swap pivots into their final positions>
 > <sort left and right parts>
 > <swap internal pivot values to ends>
 > <sort center part>
 > }
 > else {
 > <do partitioning for one pivot>
 > <sort left and right parts>
 > }
 > 4. Partitioning for both cases have not been changed at all.
 > 5. Minor javadoc and format changes.
 > Please, review new implementation,
 > any comments / suggestions are welcome!
 > Thank you,
 > Vladimir

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