Hello Dmytro,

I got your idea, and now I'm trying to combine insertion sort
with your suggestion (don't set a sentinel), to be under
restriction that we cannot change anything outside of the
range and to sort correctly if initially part of array only
is to be sorted (not whole array), see:

[ ? ] [ this range to be sorted ] [ ? ]

If center part must be sorted only, left [ ? ] part
cannot be sentinel. Therefore, we have to sort it
by traditional insertion sort (or something else).

Thank you,

Dmytro Sheyko wrote:

 > If we consider case when the whole array is sorted,
 > we can omit setting sentinel and restoring original value:

Let me define my point more precisely. We can omit setting sentinel not only in a particular case when the whole array is sorted.

During partitioning the whole array is split into small chunks. Elements within a chunks remains unsorted, but every element in a certain chunk is greater than every element in preceding (lefter) chunks
and less than every element in following (righter) chunks.



Elements C and F are pivots.
Elements D and E are greater that pivot C and hence greater than A and B, and less than pivot F and hence G and H.

Therefore during sorting any non-leftmost chunk we can rely on preceding chunk.

Did I miss something? Is this what you mean?

Thank you,
Dmytro Sheyko

 > Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 21:23:37 +0400
 > From: iaroslav...@mail.ru
 > Subject: Re: New portion of improvements for Dual-Pivot Quicksort
 > To: dmytro_she...@hotmail.com
 > CC: core-libs-dev@openjdk.java.net
 > Hi Dmytro,
 > Thank you very much for suggestions! I checked it and here
 > is my results:
 > If we consider case when the whole array is sorted,
 > we can omit setting sentinel and restoring original value:
 > // int before = a[left - 1]; a[left - 1] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
 > for (int j, i = left + 1; i <= right; i++) {
 > int ai = a[i];
 > for (j = i - 1; /* j >= left && */ ai < a[j]; j--) {
 > a[j + 1] = a[j];
 > }
 > a[j + 1] = ai;
 > }
 > // a[left - 1] = before;
 > I checked this version and found that it works little bit faster
 > (only 0.4-0.3%) with client VM, but loses more than 2.5% under
 > server mode in compare with one-pivot version from JDK 6:
 > client server
 > original: 60.75% 48.20%
 > no setting sentinel: 60.40% 50.88%
 > If we add additional check which case is sorted, I think, we
 > don't win at all.
 > And if pivot candidates are not put back to array, it shows
 > very poor results:
 > client server
 > original: 60.75% 48.20%
 > no back candidates: 66.80% 53.95%
 > I run one pivot version taken from JDK 6: I replace in Dual-Pivot
> implementation with all optimizations dual-pivot partitioning by one-pivot: > but it remain still slower than DPQ. So, the main point of DPQ is not only
 > in optimizations, but in dividing array into 3 parts instead of two.
 > Thank you,
 > Vladimir
 > Dmytro Sheyko wrote:
 > > Hi Vladimir,
 > >
> > The trick with sentinel is quite cute. Going farther, I think it is not > > always necessary to replace left outer element with the least possible value
 > > (and restore it later after sorting) because after partitioning every
 > > element in adjoining array part can play the role of sentinel.
 > > The only exception is when the user requested to sort array partially
> > (not from the beginning). Thereby we should care about setting sentinel > > explicitly in this exceptional case only and only once before sorting whole array.
 > >
> > Also it seems to me that it is not necessary to put pivot candidates (5
 > > elements that are used to choose pivots) back to array
 > > because anyway they are to be sorted later and likely change their
 > > positions.
 > >
> > I am also interesting in theoretical rationale why dual pivot quicksort
 > > is better than single pivot one. The last document that I have seen
 > > (Last updated: September 22, 2009)
 > > compared classic quicksort (where pivot is chosen arbitrarily) with
> > "classic" dual pivot quicksort (where pivots are also chosen arbitrarily). > > As conclusion they both perform about 2*n*ln(n) key comparisons. However
 > > jdk had improved quicksort: median-of-three and pseudomedian-of-nine
> > approaches were used. And median-of-three approach lead to 12/7*n*ln(n) > > key comparisons. On the other hand, dual pivot quicksort is also improved: > > pivots are chosen from 5 candidates, and hence it must perform less than
 > > 2*n*ln(n) key comparisons.
 > >
 > > Regards,
 > > Dmytro Sheyko

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