Any update on this? Has it been placed in the JVM bug database and/or have
people tried to replicated it? (again note, it only appears to happen on
JVM 7)

On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 9:20 PM, Bruno Medeiros

> After much chopping, I have finally narrowed it down to a single source
> file, and no external dependencies (other than starting Windows' cmd.exe
> process) :
> In this final form, I am now able to replicated the bug in my machine on
> many different runs of the program even beyond the first one after booting.
> But it doesn't occur every time, only about two thirds the time.
> Tried running it again with JVM 8 several times but never got it to
> reproduce there. Maybe it really isn't present in JVM 8, only 7. Hopefully
> this should be enough for JVM developers to replicate it.
> --
> Bruno Medeiros

Bruno Medeiros

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