Hi Bruno,

Create an issue:
JDK-8044321 <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8044321> EOF does not occur reading input from spawned cmd.exe process

I was able to reproduce it on java 7 but not java 8.

The implementation of Process does not mix handling of one Process instance with another
so it may be an interaction specific to cmd.exe.


On 5/29/2014 7:52 AM, Bruno Medeiros wrote:
Any update on this? Has it been placed in the JVM bug database and/or have
people tried to replicated it? (again note, it only appears to happen on
JVM 7)

On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 9:20 PM, Bruno Medeiros

After much chopping, I have finally narrowed it down to a single source
file, and no external dependencies (other than starting Windows' cmd.exe
process) :


In this final form, I am now able to replicated the bug in my machine on
many different runs of the program even beyond the first one after booting.
But it doesn't occur every time, only about two thirds the time.
Tried running it again with JVM 8 several times but never got it to
reproduce there. Maybe it really isn't present in JVM 8, only 7. Hopefully
this should be enough for JVM developers to replicate it.

Bruno Medeiros

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