On 02/01/2015 10:56 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:

I see. But isn't URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory() enough for that purpose? It can only be set once, but there can only be *one* container that wants it's jar protocol handler configured system-wide.

This a good question as it brings up the scenario that Chris is trying to address by introducing addURLStreamHandlerFactory. The concern is where the container starts an application that also uses the legacy setURLStreamHandlerFactory. The container is trying not to cause the application to fail with an error. Looking at it again then I think addURLStreamHandlerFactory is going to be more an attractive nuisance that expected, despite the @apiNote and we need to drop this part of the solution. There are compatibility and migration concerns but I don't think they are significant in the overall context of a major release.


Here's another idea:

If URLStreamHandlerFactories could (optionally) announce supported protocols, then existing method setURLStreamHandlerFactory could allow setting multiple factories as long as they don't conflict. A container could set a factory that announces "jar" protocol only and that would not conflict with application deployed in container setting an URLStreamHandlerFactory that doesn't announce anything, so will be called for anything but "jar" in this situation.

Here's what I mean:


Regards, Peter

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