On 04/02/2015 15:11, Chris Hegarty wrote:
Agreed. Updated in-place

I think the approach and naming is good. A few small comments on the wording:

1. "used to locate URLStreamHandlerProvider providers" - the wording hints as further redirection, maybe it would be better as "URLStreamHandlerProvider implementations".

2. "the ordering that providers are located" - maybe this should be "the order that providers are located".

3. "Some protocol, that are fundamental ...". Here's a re-worded statement to consider:

"Some protocol handlers, for example those used for loading platform classes or classes on the class path, may not be overridden. The details of such restrictions, and when those restrictions apply (during initialization of the runtime for example), are implementation specific and therefore not specified".

One other thing in this area is setURLStreamHandlerFactory(null). Long standing behavior is to remove the system-wide URLStreamHandlerFactory, should this continue?


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