This was on my TODO list back in 2005 or so.  I never got around to it, in
part because of my personal and Sun's corporate Unix focus, and because
waiting for Win98 to be de-supported was a great way to procrastinate.

It's good for Microsoft employees (actual Windows users) to work on this -
you have a much better idea of what Windows users actually expect.  My own
never-realized plan was to simply silently switch to full Unicode - use the
"W" version of the API anywhere we talk to the OS (by default).  But I
don't know how existing users might be broken.

"default unicode charset" is a bizarre concept to me.  Do windows users
really have a "regular" charset and a "unicode" charset?  If they do, we
probably want to keep that concept out of the public non-Windows API
somehow.  Also, the "W" API is implicitly UTF-16, not any other flavor of
Unicode.  You probably want to capitalize "unicode".

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 2:01 PM, Kirk Shoop (MS OPEN TECH) <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Issue:
> Webrev:
> This webrev intends to address interaction between Windows console and
> java apps.
> Two switches were added that change the behavior of the launcher. The
> defaults do not change the launcher behavior.
>   -Dwindows.UnicodeConsole=true - switches on Unicode support in the
> Windows console. This optional switch causes the launcher to call
> GetCommandLineW() and parse the arguments in unicode. It also modifies how
> the codepage for console output is selected.
>   -Dfile.encoding.unicode="UTF-8" - identifies Unicode charset to use; If
> not specified, UTF-8 is used by default. Ignored when
> windows.UnicodeConsole is not set to true. When the first switch is used,
> this optional switch allows the codepage for console output to be
> controlled.
> I would like to get feedback on the approach here and any additional work
> that is required solve these particular Unicode issues on Windows.
> Kirk

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