On 07/20/2015 10:22 AM, Kirk Shoop wrote:

So when default system locale differs from the active one, we have different 
behavior on Linux and Windows. The new options allow a windows user to select 
the same behavior that one would expect on unix. The switches can certainly be 
removed, if the compatibility impact is acceptable.

Kirk, on Windows file.encoding is from the user locale and the sun.jnu.encoding 
is from
the system locale setting. sun.jnu.encoding is purely for those text encoding 
jnu functiond to communicate with the underlying windows system api, when the 
locale and the user locale are set to different value. On unix/linux/osx, these 
two are
always set to the same value. Yes, they might be input/output issue if the 
encoding used
by the console (oem codepage) is not compatible with the encoding used by the "user 
and you are trying to use System.in/out/err for the input/output to the console.

Here is the original CCC request regarding the sun.jnu.encoding, which might 
some background info.


If you/we are NOT going to change the encoding used by the underlying console, 
I don't
think we need/should change the "encoding" used by the java.io.Console. As I 
in my previously email, the Java_java_io_Console_encoding() implementation 
need to update to return utf8 if the cp == 65001 (that was 10 years ago, I'm 
not sure if
the 65001 was really used back then when we wrote this code).  My understanding 
the issue here is that if you continue to use the "A" version of the API to 
parse/get the
arguments, and try to solve the possible issue triggered by the 
"incompatibility" of the
oem encoding used by the console and the user locale encoding used by the 
out/err, it's fine to define a new system property to specify a preferred 
encoding for the
launcher to use, but this "preferred" encoding should not be used by 
But isn't it more reasonable to simply always use the "W" version for this 
purpose in


The defaultUnicodeCharset() method because it is called from java.io.Console() 
constructor as well as from LauncherHelper. So its scope should be wider than 
just LauncherHelper.java.

Kirk and Valery

-----Original Message-----
From: Xueming Shen [mailto:xueming.s...@oracle.com]
Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2015 11:51 AM

Hi Kirk,

Two questions

(1) Why do you need to change the "encoding" used by the java.io.Console class. 
My understanding
       is that the console encoding is specifically used to "talk" to the 
underlying terminal, it should just
       be the one used by the underlying terminal/console. I don't think the 
proposed change updates
       the underlying console encoding (something like chcp)  when 
       specified, if I read the webrev correctly. Instead, the 
Java_java_io_Console_encoding() probably
       need to be updated to return utf8 if the cp == 65001, so if the 
underlying terminal/console is
       using cp65001, the java.io.Console should encode/decode in utf8.
       I would assume the encoding of java.io.Condole should have nothing to do 
with using
       GetCommandLIneW() to parse the arguments in unicode in launcher?

(2) Why do you need a defaultUnicodeCharset() in Charset class? Seems to me the 
scope should/could
       be limited inside LauncherHelper.java?


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