Hi Kirk,

Two questions

(1) Why do you need to change the "encoding" used by the java.io.Console class. My understanding is that the console encoding is specifically used to "talk" to the underlying terminal, it should just be the one used by the underlying terminal/console. I don't think the proposed change updates the underlying console encoding (something like chcp) when -Dwindows.UnicodeConsole=true specified, if I read the webrev correctly. Instead, the Java_java_io_Console_encoding() probably need to be updated to return utf8 if the cp == 65001, so if the underlying terminal/console is
     using cp65001, the java.io.Console should encode/decode in utf8.
I would assume the encoding of java.io.Condole should have nothing to do with using
     GetCommandLIneW() to parse the arguments in unicode in launcher?

(2) Why do you need a defaultUnicodeCharset() in Charset class? Seems to me the scope should/could
     be limited inside LauncherHelper.java?


On 7/8/15 9:50 AM, Kirk Shoop wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Kumar Srinivasan [mailto:kumar.x.sriniva...@oracle.com]

Hi Kirk,

Thanks for proposing this change.

If you notice all the posix calls are wrapped in JLI_* this  gives us the
ability to use "W" functions.  I almost got it done, several years ago,
but we upgraded to VS2010 and my work based on VS2003 keeled over,
meanwhile my focus was  "shifted" to something else.

main.c: is really envisioned to be a stub  compiled by the tool launchers,
like java, javac, javah, jar etc. I prefer to see all the heavy logic in
this file moved to the platform specific file windows/java_md.*

Heavy logic is moved out of main.c file.

For the reason specified above we need to move fprintf or any naked posix
calls to JLI_* indirections.

Posix calls are wrapped in JLI_* functions.

I don't see any tests ? The tests must be written in java and placed in
jdk/test/tools/launcher, there is a helper framework TestHelper.java.

A new test for our changes is added.

There are other changes in nio, charsets etc, this will be reviewed by my
colleague specializing in that area (Sherman) cc'ed.


Thank you for the feedback!

Valery prepared a new webrev which I placed here:


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