(only half paying attention)

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 7:45 PM, Kirk Shoop <kirk.sh...@microsoft.com> wrote:

> This webrev uses GetCommandLineW

That sounds right - this should be the source of truth in win32land.

> on windows to retrieve the UCS16

"UCS16" confuses me.  Do you mean UTF-16 or UCS-2?  I'm guessing the former.

> commandline and also supports the 65001(UTF-8) codepage (set by chcp
> 65001) so that when -Dsun.jnu.encoding="UTF-8" is supplied the console
> output (stdout & stderr) will be in UTF8.

Is there a reason why UTF-8 is special here?  Shouldn't we have console
output always match the codepage of the console, when possible, without
effort on the user's part?  Is there a problem that we don't have a
translation table between code pages and Java charsets?

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