Hello Magnus,

On 25/08/21 5:33 pm, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
One thing I do remember is the JDK build (through the make files) would have certain Java code it would call to do some build steps. Is there a easy way to find all such build related Java files within the JDK? I would like to see if there are any references/calls to this method from those build files. I am doing some searches myself, but knowing where to search will give me more confidence that I haven't missed out any.

The java buildtool sources are located in the "make" directory, more specifically in "make/jdk/src", "make/langtools/src" and "make/src" (yeah, I know -- a cleanup is way overdue). I did a quick search now but could not find any references to Properties.store().

Thank you for that. I went ahead and verified it again and like you note, I don't see any usages in this code.

I'm trying to remember if we create properties during the build... We have several instances where .properties files in the Java source code are converted to hard-coded classes (for performance), and other where .properties files are copied verbatim. Ah, right, they are "cleaned" beforehand. We used to do this by a Java program, but nowadays they are mangled by sed. I think replacing that sed script with a trivial Java program doing storeCanonical() would be on the list of things to do. I can assist with that, when you are starting to get your implementation done.

Thank you. Once the initial draft version is ready, I will contact you.

We might also write something as part of the jlink process that gets embedded in the resulting jimage; not quite sure about that. You should find that code in the normal src/ codebase though.

I had a look at the the jlink and image building code and I haven't found any references/usages in this area.


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