On Mon, 8 Aug 2022 22:34:00 GMT, Stuart Marks <sma...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> I would also suggest that the join() sentence simply be the last sentence of 
>> the above paragraph:
>>> The join method can be be used to wait for a thread to terminate.
> The whole paragraph is about thread termination, so I don't think we need to 
> say "terminate" again in the last sentence. We could mention isAlive or the 
> TERMINATED state, but that brings in Thread.State which which require a 
> discussion of the thread's life cycle.
> The "join" sentence was kind of tacked on to the end of a paragraph in the 
> original text; Alex suggested that I separate it into its own paragraph when 
> we were working on the "termination" paragraph. Alex doesn't mind 
> single-sentence paragraphs, which isn't my preference. But tacking the "join" 
> sentence onto the end of the "termination" paragraph actually doesn't make 
> any sense. Termination is something that happens to _this_ thread. The join 
> method is called from _another_ thread, and this implicit shift of viewpoint 
> would weaken the paragraph.
> Frankly I think there needs to be a separate editorial pass over the Thread 
> docs. I know they were just rewritten in JDK 19, but there are some odd 
> things about it. The Thread.State life cycle isn't explained and isn't 
> referenced by methods such as start() and isAlive(). Also, various mentions 
> of uncaught exception handling talk about a thread's abrupt termination. 
> There isn't any such thing; a _method_ can complete normally or abruptly, and 
> when a thread's run() method completes either way, the thread simply 
> terminates.

Thread.State was added (in Java 5) for monitoring and management purposes, it's 
not an API that most libraries or programs would use. It could be introduced in 
the class description and referenced from other APIs that change/test the state 
but it would encourage use beyond the original intent.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/9437

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