This PR removes the JAR index feature from the runtime: - `URLClassPath` is updated to remove the `enableJarIndex` system property and any code which would be called when this property was `true` - The `JarIndex` implementation class is moved into `jdk.jartool` module. - The `InvalidJarIndexError` exception class is removed because it falls out of use - The test `test/jdk/sun/misc/JarIndex/metaInfFileNames/` is removed because it depends on the JarIndex feature being present - The test `test/jdk/sun/misc/JarIndex/` is removed because it depends on the JarIndex feature being present - The test `test/jdk/sun/misc/JarIndex/` is removed because it end up being the only caller of the JarIndex.merge feature - All `JarIndex` methods/constructors which are not used by the `jar -i` implementation are removed. - `JarIndex` is given package-private access.
Outstanding code work: - Create tests for `JarFile` and `JarInputStream` accepting dusty INDEX jars. Outstanding work: - CSR for the removal - Release notes for the removal - Coordination of the update of the Jar File Specification ------------- Commit messages: - Remove JarIndex default constructor - Make JarIndex.INDEX_NAME package private - Remove outdated reference to URLClassLoader using JarIndex - Make JarIndex package private - The JarIndex.merge method ended up being used only by the JarIndexMergeTest test. Removing this test, the JarIndex.merge methods and a number of other JarIndex methods not used by the 'jar' tool - Revert the export of to jdk.jartool. JarIndex can use instead since the 'jar' tool does not run with a SecurityManager - Revert noisy whitespace changes - Revert noisy whitespace changes - Remove jar index feature from the runtime. Move JarIndex into jdk.jartool. Remove tests which depend on the jar index feature being considered during class loading. Changes: Webrev: Issue: Stats: 1809 lines in 24 files changed: 221 ins; 1576 del; 12 mod Patch: Fetch: git fetch pull/13158/head:pull/13158 PR: