> In that case, isn't there something a little backwards about saying we
> should continue sweeping them under the rug? (Am I being too idealistic?)

I sympathise with the concern of causing many warnings/errors, and the
right time to do these things never seems to be "now".

But let's look at it this way: The Turkish population alone is
currently 1.08 percent of the world population. If we assume the number of
Java apps/services per capita is the same around the world, this means that
these methods may return the expected result in 98.92 percent of the
executions. I think that's a bit scary.

Deprecating these methods would require consensus and support from
reviewers, which we don't seem to have at the moment. So I think the
current focus on fixing the uses inside OpenJDK and then adding
alternatives first seems good. Then, maybe someday.. :-)


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