On Wed, 1 May 2024 20:53:08 GMT, Jonathan Gibbons <j...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> This checker checks the values of the `@since` tag found in the 
>> documentation comment for an element against the release in which the 
>> element first appeared.
>> Real since value of an API element is computed as the oldest release in 
>> which the given API element was introduced. That is:
>> - for modules, classes and interfaces, the release in which the element with 
>> the given qualified name was introduced
>> - for constructors, the release in which the constructor with the given VM 
>> descriptor was introduced
>> - for methods and fields, the release in which the given method or field 
>> with the given VM descriptor became a member of its enclosing class or 
>> interface, whether direct or inherited
>> Effective since value of an API element is computed as follows:
>> - if the given element has a `@since` tag in its javadoc, it is used
>> - in all other cases, return the effective since value of the enclosing 
>> element
>> The since checker verifies that for every API element, the real since value 
>> and the effective since value are the same, and reports an error if they are 
>> not.
>> Preview method are handled as per JEP 12, if `@PreviewFeature` is used 
>> consistently going forward then the checker doesn't need to be updated with 
>> every release. The checker has explicit knowledge of preview elements that 
>> came before `JDK 14` because they weren't marked in a machine understandable 
>> way and preview elements that came before `JDK 17` that didn't have 
>> `@PreviewFeature`.
>> Important note : We only check code written since `JDK 9` as the releases 
>> used to determine the expected value of `@since` tags are taken from the 
>> historical data built into `javac` which only goes back that far
>> The intial comment at the beginning of `SinceChecker.java` holds more 
>> information into the program.
>> I already have filed issues and fixed some wrong tags like in #18640, 
>> #18032, #18030, #18055, #18373, #18954, #18972.
> test/jdk/tools/sincechecker/SinceChecker.java line 53:
>> 51: - This checker checks the values of the `@since` tag found in the 
>> documentation comment for an element against the release in which the 
>> element first appeared.
>> 52: - The source code containing the documentation comments is read from 
>> `src.zip` in the release of JDK used to run the test.
>> 53: - The releases used to determine the expected value of `@since` tags are 
>> taken from the historical data built into `javac`.
> (Minor, suggest wrapping lines somewhere between 80-100 characters long)

My idea was that, even when comparing files in a merge conflit, there wouldn't 
be problems here. 

But I will fix, some lines in the code are a bit long as well

> test/jdk/tools/sincechecker/SinceChecker.java line 72:
>> 70: 
>> 71: Real since value of an API element is computed as the oldest release in 
>> which the given API element was introduced. That is:
>> 72: - for modules, classes and interfaces, the release in which the element 
>> with the given qualified name was introduced
> What about packages?  packages should be in this list as well.

Small oversight, will fix


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18934#discussion_r1586840002
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18934#discussion_r1586838616

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