I was thinking of zip api’s other than java’s. The field needs to be at a fixed 
place in the file format whatever the name? Unless a significant api change has 
been made.

A couple of links from googling on “zip extra field chaining"


If this were strictly jar files I would be less concerned but zip is widely 
used outside of java so more chances for conflict where java doesn’t have 
anything like ownership.
At the time I looked at it the provision for “user” additions was very limited 
again making conflict more likely.

> On May 12, 2024, at 9:32 PM, - <liangchenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I think this particular field has been renamed a few times; and ZipEntry only 
> exposes part of the ZIP format's fields. So most likely there isn't 
> sufficient information for most 3rd-party ZIP processing libraries. I 
> personally don't really use ZipFile so am not quite sure of the recent API 
> changes either.
> On Sun, May 12, 2024 at 6:10 PM Michael Hall <mik3h...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:mik3h...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> I haven’t looked at any of this for sometime. But as I recall there was a 
>> possibility that other 3rd party applications might also be making use of 
>> these fields? IIRC there was some support for chaining multiple uses? Or the 
>> api may of changed and these aren’t the same fields or for some other reason 
>> what I remember is out of date. 
>> Mike

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