Hi Elwyn

It is always possible that Liverpool played a part but I am working on the 
memory past down by my great grand father Wm McCoy who makes no mention of 
Liverpool. He remembered the leaving of Belfast and the terrible passage they 
had. Locked in a hold as a steerage passenger with terrible sickness aboard the 
ship. He made no mention to my grand father of any stops other then the landing 
at Quebec. The church records show their Pastor David Evans who I believed 
traveled with them leaving his post in 1838 the same year my people say they 
left. Rev Evans church log shows him recording births and deaths in mid August 
of 1838 at St. Theresa Quebec where they hoped to homestead but were forced to 
leave do to political unrest. Taking into account the ice burg season and they 
did not travel south and come up through he USA that gives a very small window 
they could have come. I think the most  likely time of arrived would be May to 
mid July. 1838 was by all accounts a lower year for Irish immigrants traveling 
to Canada according to the Quebec Mercury. Given all of that if it is correct 
lowers the number of possible ships down to three or four with the Dumfrires 
Shire being a likely candidate as it is clearly mentioned carrying 276 steerage 
passengers who are sick and taken to St. Ill de Gosse May 27th. The bulk of the 
shipping from Belfast was by a company called G.H. Parke owner of the ship. 
Parke co. They had lost 300 steerage passengers a few years earlier on the ship 
Lady of the Lake when she struck an ice burg off Newfoundland in late April. 
This is the only record I can find of the company other then the comings and 
goings in the Shipping news and the shipping list. Genealogy is as always based 
on slim hopes. My hope is to find some record that might link my family 
immigration to a ship. All that I have related to you is bits of information 
related to me by my father but backed up by historical events. I think their is 
more to find and it is fun looking.


Ron McCoy

On 2018-10-16 4:47 PM, elwyn soutter via CoTyroneList wrote:
Possibly worth bearing in mind that whilst there were direct ships from Ireland 
to Canada and elsewhere throughout the 1800s, there were far more from 
Liverpool. Liverpool acted as a clearing house for migrants from all over 
Europe, and had far more departures than from Ireland. Competition for the 
passengers was fierce with ships agents routinely throwing in cost of the short 
passage from Ireland to Liverpool free (together with dodgy accommodation in 
Liverpool), as part of the ticket price. Many more migrants in the 1800s left 
Ireland via Liverpool than left directly from Ireland. Significant numbers also 
left via Glasgow. For background, see:



On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 1:20 PM Ron McCoy via CoTyroneList 

Hi Lola

I hope you are well and had a good summer. I have searched the Quebec Mercury 
for information on the shipping news as youi suggested and it was wonderful. I 
believe my family probably took one of G.H. Parke ships as their line made the 
most crossings and some such as the Dumfries Shire is listed as having 276 
steerage passengers. I have tried to access the Belfast newsletter as you 
suggested in hopes more information is there but I can only find subscriptions 
to it? Could you tell me if it is a paid or free site you are using? I also 
wonder if you know anything about the G.H. Parke co. as there seems to be 
nothing on line about them? Thank you for your help.


Ron McCoy

On 2018-08-18 11:07 AM, Iola Whiteside via CoTyroneList wrote:
Hi Ron,  Iola here.   I just google both the Belfast Newsletter archives and 
the Quebec Mercury.  The webpage for the Mercury is in French but the newspaper 
printed in English.  It is east to navigate.  Just click on the calendar ikon 
on the right side, find the year, month etc.  I took a quick look and the ships 
arriving in 1828 are listed.  I hope this helps and let me know if I can be of 
further assistance.

From: Ron McCoy via CoTyroneList<mailto:cotyronelist@cotyroneireland.com>
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2018 10:44 PM
To: cotyronelist@cotyroneireland.com<mailto:cotyronelist@cotyroneireland.com>
Cc: Ron McCoy<mailto:ron.mc...@outlook.com>
Subject: Re: [CoTyroneMailingList] sailing information

Hi All

Thanks for the information. The lack of shipping list is a problem and as has 
been noted travel between Canada and Ireland was not registered. A real 
problem... I have tried the steam ship lines from Quebec to Montreal with out 
success but they also ran Bateaux service which is how I assume they must have 
come. I think  the suggestion of the Belfast News, The Quebec Mercury or the JJ 
Cooke shipping records might give me the names of ships that would have sailed 
out of Belfast and arrived in Quebec in the time I suspect. That would be a 
great help.

Iola would you have the online site that these can be found on? Thank you all 
for your help


Ron McCoy

On 2018-08-17 9:33 AM, Elizabeth Vervaeke via CoTyroneList wrote:
My family came from Brackagh (Errigal  Keerogue)
through Londonderry on the Sesosthis in 1847 .  I was able to find their 
passenger list from the JJ Cooke Shipping records . There are many ships listed.
Perhaps it’s worth a search here ...


Kind Regards

On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 9:30 AM Ron McCoy via CoTyroneList 
Hi all
I have tried several times to find sailing records for the year 1828
from Belfast to Canada. This is the year I believe my family and their
neighbours left Tyrone and immigrated. However I am told there is no
passenger records in the early years of the 1800's. I was wondering if
there was  a list some where of just ships names that sailed even if
there was not passenger lists. I am confident that they sailed after
iceberg season and arrived in the Montreal area around the end of August
or beginning of September of 1838. If I had a list of ships sailing out
of Belfast I might be able to deduce which ship they sailed on? If
anyone has experience or an idea where ships names or records that might
have sailed from Belfast it would be of great interest to me?
Ron McCoy

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