We've found that we get decent conversion over time when we target a
specific community. In our case, the tech/open source community has
been incredibly important for us. The big caveat, however, is that it
takes a lot of time.

I think we only got 1 new member in the first 6 months after our first
really big event from that event. The second year we hosted the event,
we got 2 members in the month after the event as a result, and have
increasingly gotten meeting room requests as a result. I think the
events take a LOT of time to pay off, but do pay off in the long term.
Increasingly, our new members have been to "a few" events here before
they sign up.

The effectiveness of events is something we still struggle with also.
We don't have a clear cut solution, but we tend not to be real willing
to take a loss on events anymore (i.e., we need sponsors or someone to
cover direct costs).

Hope this helps,

On Aug 20, 8:40 am, felicity at cubes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> This is a question mostly to space owners but also
> to all of those who use coworking spaces.  Do you
> find that events generate more members?  If you
> are a member of a coworking space, do you go to
> the events on a regular basis?
> We are finding we get decent attendance at our
> events but they do not lead to getting more
> members and I am debating the benefit of them.
> Any thoughts are appreciated.
> -Felicity
> Cubes&Crayons Coworking
> SPACE:www.cubesandcrayons.com
> BLOG: cubes.typepad.com/blog
> PERSONAL BLOG: cubes.typepad.com/cake
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