On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Angel K <fccowork...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 1 person is intentionally leaving her steady paycheck job to start her
> own event management company and she has reserved a place at Cohere 3
> months in advance b/c she has seen her friends benefit from coworking
> here

Angel, that sounds like something a classical old-school economist might
count as job creation: by vacating an ongoing hiring slot she had been
occupying in order to pursue a new opportunity, the old job was effectively
created for someone else.

Alex, we faced similar measurement issues here at The
Hub<http://www.HubBayArea.com/>in Berkeley (CA, US), which is a tenant
in the Brower
Center <http://www.BrowerCenter.org/>, construction of which was partially
federally funded, and so all building tenants are required to report on job
creation, and also to give fair opportunity for hiring for new jobs to
residents of the affordable housing built nextdoor as part of this project.

We aren't required to create jobs, just to report on our doing it, so the
city can, over time, report to the feds that their money was well-spent so
won't they give the city in this some more money in this category for
additional projects in the future. This led to some head-scratching among us
and other non-coworking building tenants about what constitutes a Full-Time
Equivalent (FTE) job, and what the process of advertising and hiring looks
like, when you are in a business that has a relationship with another one
and contracts with it for a series of services, a few hours here, a few
hours there, that they contract out for on an irregular basis.

Brian, entrepreneurship/startups in general and coworking as one particular
aspect of it don't necessarily fit the boxes used by the institutions (not
just government, but also non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like
regional business nonprofits and chambers of commerce) in the business of
economic development. Rather than try to stifle our innovative impulses to
fit these boxes and get measured by the old yardsticks, I believe it is
incumbent upon us, as a movement, to develop new measures that reflect the
creativity and enormous productivity we are creating in this new workplace

As no less a local luminary than Clinton-administration US Labor
Secretary Robert
Reich <http://robertreich.org/> writes in his new book "*Aftershock: The
Next Economy and America's Future*," we need a whole new set of economic
indicators in order to strive to maximize productivity/efficiency as
measured in those dimensions.

I find particularly interesting the tendency of entrepreneurs to subcontract
out work to their friends, especially those they meet through coworking
communities. Rather than hire more people and create a larger business with
presumptive economies of scale (and attendant infrastructural inefficiencies
aka overhead), we know (or learn, hopefully not the hard ways) that
focussing on our core mission/unique talent is what really matters in
creating value in the long term.

Also it is interesting to see, here at the Hub, for-profits (or at least
those intending profit; in reality they can be elusive, as any entrepreneur
knows) seeking VC/Angel funds and plotting sellout "exit strategies" working
alongside classic public-interest nonprofits and advocacy groups, alongside
mission-oriented sole proprietorships like ours and trying to
understand/engage each other across the cultural chasms that result.
Definitely a learning environment, rife with opportunities - if we take the
trouble to listen to and learn from one another.

Raines Cohen, Coworking Coach
Planning for Sustainable Communities
Berkeley, CA

*Next week: NYC on Tuesday; Philly Wed-Fri; Boston area Sat-Sun; Chicago the
follow Mon-Wed. Looking forward to visiting some more spaces (including
seeing the new New Work City) and weaving more connections.*

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