Hey there!

It seems like you're not the only space that is looking for a better way to 
help members communicate with each other on a more frequent basis. About 3 
months ago, I sent out a survey to approximately 60 coworking spaces around 
Canada and the US, and nearly half of the spaces who responded said they 
were looking for better ways to get their members to engage with each 
other. So myself and a rails developer I know decided to start building a 
new coworking space management application that includes a member facing 
social system as part of the core feature set.

We actually just launched a closed beta for our application today, so we 
can gather some user feedback and ideas for continued iteration and 
progress towards a public launch. Currently, our social system is kind of a 
cross between forums and chat. Members have the ability to broadcast a 
message to anyone, or send a private message to just one person. They can 
also send messages to a topic group that only gets seen by other members 
who are subscribed to that topic. They are persistent, meaning they won't 
disappear from view like chat messages when closed, and when a new reply is 
added to the message thread, the thread will is moved back to the top of 
your message list. You can filter your message list based on the type of 
message (public, topic, or private), and you'll be able to star message 
that are important to you and they will be displayed in a separate list.

The social system as of now is definitely a work in progress. We have a 
vision for where we want to go with it, but the more feedback we get, the 
better will end up being. You're welcome to request an invite to the closed 
beta and take a look. You can do so at http://dovetail.io.

The app will also include a member management system (coupled with payment 
processing eventually), metrics dashboard for monitoring both space and 
individual member metrics (like member churn rate, peak usage times, sales 
performance based on membership plans, and much more), and integrations 
with a series of 3rd party apps to reduce the amount of time space managers 
spend creating / updating member contact points. So when you integrate your 
existing apps for accounting, email marketing, billing & invoicing. etc. 
with Dovetail, you'll be able to make a change in the Dovetail member 
record, and it will automatically push the changes to our other apps.

If you'd like to know more about the app and our plans for the future, I'd 
be happy to answer any questions.


On Wednesday, September 4, 2013 6:56:46 AM UTC-7, en...@indiegrovejc.com 
> Hello everyone,
> We are a coworking space in Jersey City, NJ area and seeking a platform 
> that helps our members communicate/chat and also start some discussions 
> between them. This would help them to collaborate, socialize and help each 
> other with any needs.
> For example, they could be able to post some requests based on their needs 
> as well as just share some useful information about anything.
> Based on some research we came up with Hipchat, Campfire and some other 
> IRC platforms. However, we are not just looking for chat softwares. As I 
> mentioned above, the conversation should remain permanently instead of 
> disappearing chat windows. 
> We also have found Alche.my and requested from them to try demo but they 
> didn't contact with us yet.
> Hope you understand what we need and come up with a solution or idea for 
> us!
> Thanks!..
> Please check out Indiegrove Coworking Space:
> http://www.indiegrovejc.com/

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