We've had good luck with a closet turned into a phone booth. It is small 
(about 5'x5'), has a heavy wooden door without a window, foam sealing where 
the door meets the frame, and a sweep to block the gap under the door, 
carpet on the floor, and a chair. We have white noise speakers both inside 
and outside it. It's not a place where you'd want to spend more than an 
hour, but provides a good sense of privacy for skype calls, and you can 
only hear loud voices through it. We've considered building another one 
next to it, but would definitely insulate and double up on sheetrock. 
Jerome, what brand of pre-fab phone booths do you like? 

On Monday, May 15, 2017 at 5:14:33 AM UTC-4, Katherine Warman Kern wrote:
> I agree with Jerome. We don't have plugs or chairs to discourage 
> "squatting" and looked for a wall of nails that we could program to emerge 
> on a timer but couldn't find one. 
> Just kidding. 
> I am creating a new meeting room system that integrates with our member 
> billing account and may consider including the phone booths on it. That way 
> if someone wants to use more than their fair share and is willing to pay 
> for it, then fine. In general, this is consistent with our strategy. We 
> charge one price and include everything. For those who use more than their 
> fair share we don't say no, we figure out a reasonable way (both in terms 
> of amount to the customer and administration) to charge money for excess 
> usage. Most folks are fine with this and other members appreciate that they 
> aren't paying for it.
> Katherine Kern

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