On Sep 4, 2008, at 2:27 PM, David Golden wrote:

I'm not being snide.  I've heard what you don't want.  I hope that you
see that there is interest in making things better.

In no particular order:

I want nothing in my inbox that I have not explicitly requested.

I want to choose how I get reports, if at all, and at what frequency.

I want aggregation of reports, so that when I send out a module with a missing dependency in the Makefile.PL, I don't get a dozen failures in a day. (Related, but not a want of mine, it could aggregate by platform so I could see if I had patterns of failure in my code).

I want to be able to sign up for some of this, some of that, on some of those platforms.

I want suggestions, not mandates, in how I might improve my code. I want explanations on my CPAN Testers dashboard that explains why I would be interested in having such-and-such an option checked on my distributions. See how the Perl::Critic policies have explanations of the problem, and why it can be a problem, in the docs for the code.

I want CPAN Testers to be as flexible as Perl::Critic, and even easier to do that flexing.

I want the understanding that not everyone shares the same coding ideals.

I want to select what kwalitee benchmarks I choose my code to be verified under, so that I can proudly say "My modules meet these criteria across these platforms." I want a couple dozen checkboxes of things that could be checked where I say "All my modules had better match test X, Y and Z, and these specific modules had also better past A, B and C, too."

I want easily selected Kwalitee settings which group together options. Slacker level means you pass these 10 tests, and Lifeguard level means you are Slacker + these other 15 tests, and Stringent level means something else, all the way up to Super Duper Batshit Crazy Anal Perfection level.

I want CPAN Testers to do what I can not easily do, which is test my code on other platforms on other versions of Perl.

I do NOT want CPAN Testers to do what I could easily do if I wanted, but do not, which is run tests that I don't care about.

I want CPAN Testers to be a service where people say "Hey, have you seen CPAN Testers? You've got to check it out, it will help out your code so much" and then they tell their friends and they tell their friends, and passing a certain batter of CPAN Testers tests consistently is a badge of honor.

I want the Ruby guys go "holy shit, I wish we had something like that."


Andy Lester => [EMAIL PROTECTED] => www.petdance.com => AIM:petdance

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