Dear All,

By the way, an interesting aspect of samples is that they can be split without loosing their identity. Obviously, there is some complexity in the object-ness of the sample versus its substance. Tracing split samples is a practical issue in labs.

Any thoughts?



On 4/10/2018 1:16 PM, Martin Doerr wrote:
Dear Martijn,

A better formulation is always welcome!

Logically, it is correct: "no stability of form is required" does NOT exclude stability of form. I give explicitly the example "the sequence of layers of a bore core". The point is, that we take a sample for a particular feature it will be a witness for. The identity of the sample and its duration of existence as a sample depends on the kind of feature that needs to be preserved, be it a stratigraphy, a chemical composition or whatever. Consequently, it can be diminished quite substanstially without loosing this identity, whereas other impacts may not change its discreteness as a stable piece of matter, but destroy the relevant composition.

Proposals welcome.



On 4/9/2018 11:15 PM, P.M. van Leusen wrote:
"no stability of form is required" would exclude some types of samples, e.g. kubiena tin samples taken for microstratigraphy, palynology, or paleomagnetism. I would advise excising this phrase.

On Fri, Mar 30, 2018, 21:19 Martin Doerr < <>> wrote:

    Dear All,

    Here my proposal for a better scope note:

          S11 Amount of Matter[1]

    Subclass of: S10
    <#m_2886038186972212311__S10_Material_Substantial> Material

    Superclass of:S12 <#m_2886038186972212311__S12_Amount_of> Amount
    of Fluid

    S13 <#m_2886038186972212311__S13_Sample> Sample

    Scope note:This class comprises fixed amounts of matter specified
    as some air, some water, some soil, etc., defined by the total
    and integrity of their material content. In order to be able to
    identify and recognize in practice one instance of S11 Amount of
    Matter, some sort of confinement is needed that serves as a
    constraint for the enclosed matter and the integrity of the
    content, such as a bottle. In contrast to instances of E18
    Physical Thing, no stability of form is required. The content may
    be put into another bottle without loosing its identity.
    Subclasses may define very different identity conditions for the
    integrity of the content, such as chemical composition, or the
    sequence of layers of a bore core. Whereas an instance of E18
    Physical Thing may gradually change form and chemical composition
    preserving its identity, such as living beings, an instance of
    S11 Amount of Matter may loose its identifying features by such
    processes. What matters for the identity of an instance of S1
    Amount of Matter is the preservation of a relevant composition
    from the initial state of definition on.


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      Dr. Martin Doerr              |  Vox:+30(2810)391625        |
      Research Director             |  Fax:+30(2810)391638        |
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  Dr. Martin Doerr              |  Vox:+30(2810)391625        |
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                Center for Cultural Informatics               |
                Information Systems Laboratory                |
                 Institute of Computer Science                |
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 Dr. Martin Doerr              |  Vox:+30(2810)391625        |
 Research Director             |  Fax:+30(2810)391638        |
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               Center for Cultural Informatics               |
               Information Systems Laboratory                |
                Institute of Computer Science                |
   Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)   |
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