Dear all,

Collecting materials in order to prepare a discussion and documentation about a CRM extension devoted to « capturing all social documentation. Its scope will be social norms and social life » (Minutes SIG Cologne 2018), I came across two issues which seem to me to be essential, and about which I would kindly ask you to have a discussion in the SIG.

I will first provide following examples out of historical research / social life.

A. Let assume we have to model following two states of affairs :


   Mr. X was in charge as a full professor of history at Lyon
   University from date_1 to date_2


   Mr. X taught digital humanities and Python to students from date_1
   to date_2

The first state of affairs is about the quality of a person, the second about his/her activity : he was charged to teach history but instead taught DH and a programming language.

The second state of affairs can be modeled as an activity but what about the first one ? I wouldn’t speak about a state, which is confusing, but about a temporal restricted quality of a person. He/she was in possession of this quality but taught something else (activity). This phemenon can be understood in my opinion within the conceptual framework of E3_Condition_State if we enlarge the scope not only to « physical conditions » but also to social phenomena, in a new class called « Social quality » or similar.

B. A second example is about the ownership of property, e.g. a farmhouse, or of a firm, or many different of them at different time spans. Of course we could model all acquisitions and sales of these properties but not only historical sources often do not provide us with sufficient knowledge on how the property was accessed, but also, and primarily, the phenomenon we want to model for studying social life is property as such, it’s amount, it’s evolution, it’s influence on other aspects of social relationships. So the issue is how to model the phenomenon of property as such, and if property (as a power of disposal) is a phenomenon at all.

Considering these two examples, and recent discussions on the SIG list and meetings, and Martin’s prosal concerning / examples, two issues are raised in my mind which would need some clarification and discussion.

1. Can possession of social qualities, or right of use/power of disposal, or similar kinds of aspects of social life, or event the state of mind or belief of someone, be considered as phenomena ? And therefore be modeled as /Temporal entities/ ? In the point of view of the study of social life, in my opinion, the answer would be positive.

2. About the recent discussions concerning timed relations, i.e. properties having limited validity in time : some of them, if related to social life (those concerning property or the possession of qualities), appear to me to be in fact social phenomena, therefore /Temporal entities/. They are relevant to social life and can be indirectly oberved (using sources). By the way, historical events are also only indirectly observed and their temporal and spatial projection depends also on the breakdown we choose from an epistemological point of view (e.g. a historical process like a battle can be modelled as one complex activity or the process of the battle can be decomposed in all its stages, as distinct instances of activity).

These are the two issues I’d like to discuss in order to be able to collect and reorder materials and prepare a proposal of classes and properties concerning social norms and life.

All the best

Francesco Beretta


Chargé de recherche au CNRS,
Responsable du Pôle histoire numérique,
Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes

14, Avenue Berthelot
69363 LYON CEDEX 07
+ 33 (0)6 51 84 48 84

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