Who said jade and amberonium coins would be in any
duengons? I am not putting them as treasures in my
maps atleast (and does anyone else map anymore besides
me?). As for "we have gems/this/that which can be used
instead" it's nice to have multiple ways to do things.
The role of jade etc IMHO, since I'm not going to put
them in my duengons as treasure (and hopefully others
won't either) is to beable to have "10,000 dollar"
notes kindof thing. All apprasals etc should be in
silver, gold, plat and never jade and amber.

I suggest an addum to the mappers handbook "don't put
jade and amber coins in you duengons as rewards". Then
will come the question "why have them then!" Well then
why have most of the things we have in CF? We could
probably chuck most of our archtypes.. why even have
CF? CF isn't needed in the world etc.

I'd also like copper coins, this will require value to
have decemal points.
Could we do that?

--- Rick Tanner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Post on behalf of Todd Mitchell (Avion):
> The Imperial Banking system was not intended to be a
> modern bank, more 
> of an old fashioned type bank.  The Imperial Note is
> not money, it is a 
> credit note.  Basically it was to allow players to
> carry and transfer 
> large amounts of wealth between cities or as a way
> to pay for large 
> ticket items (such as guilds) while avoiding
> inflation of value that 
> large coins would bring.  The coin system is based
> on weight and this is 
> a good thing that limits the amount of treasure
> folks can carry. 
> Because they are low weight and easy to carry, the
> Imperial notes are 
> not supposed to be worth anything intrinsically and
> cannot be used as 
> money, but can be used to transfer large sums of
> money (and always for a 
> convenience fee). All this talk of large
> denomination coins seems to be 
> to me misplaced since the point of the coins is to
> limit what can be 
> hauled out of dungeons easily and limit wealth
> accumulation.  Large 
> coins will lead to inflation as they allow players
> to carry more cash on 
> hand. As for 'credit cards' and other stuff to pay
> for big purchases? - 
> why bother when you can easily make special altars
> (or use scripting) 
> for expensive things that accept Imperial notes. 
> They are already 
> credit notes.  Allowing their use as *money* however
> would simply make 
> them into large coins and defeat their purpose.
> Also the bank code was designed to allow for
> alternate credit 
> institutions and easily changable service fees.
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