On Jun 18, 2012, at 11:21 52PM, ianG wrote:
> Then there are RNGs.  They start from a theoretical absurdity that we cannot 
> predict their output, which leads to an apparent impossibility of 
> black-boxing.
> NIST recently switched gears and decided to push the case for deterministic 
> PRNGs.  According to original thinking, a perfect RNG was perfectly 
> untestable.  Where as a perfectly deterministic RNG was also perfectly 
> predictable.  This was a battle of two not-goods.
> Hence the second epiphany:  NIST were apparently reasoning that the 
> testability of the deterministic PRNG was the lesser of the two evils. They 
> wanted to black-box the PRNG, because black-boxing was the critical 
> determinant of success.
> After a lot of thinking about the way the real world works, I think they have 
> it right.  Use a deterministic PRNG, and leave the problem of securing good 
> seed material to the user.  The latter is untestable anyway, so the right 
> approach is to shrink the problem and punt it up-stack.

There's evidence, dating back to the Clipper chip days, that NSA feels the same 
way.  Given the difficulty of proving there are no weird environmental impacts 
on hardware RNGs, they're quite correct.

                --Steve Bellovin, https://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb

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