On 06/18/2012 10:21 PM, ianG wrote:

The first part is that AES and block algorithms can be quite tightly
defined with a tight specification, and we can distribute test
parameters. Anyone who's ever coded these things up knows that the test
parameters do a near-perfect job in locking implementations down.

Yes, this is what separates the engineers from the hobbyists.

For example, this is my main complaint about bcrypt and scrypt. The absence of a comprehensive set of test vectors has caused insecure and incompatible implementations to creep into existence.

This results in the creation of a black-box or component approach.
Because of this and perhaps only because of this, block algorithms and
hashes have become the staples of crypto work. Public key crypto and
HMACs less so. Anything crazier isn't worth discussing.

I don't get it. Why can't we have effective test vectors for HMACs and public key algorithms?

Then there are RNGs. They start from a theoretical absurdity that we
cannot predict their output, which leads to an apparent impossibility of

NIST recently switched gears and decided to push the case for
deterministic PRNGs. According to original thinking, a perfect RNG was
perfectly untestable. Where as a perfectly deterministic RNG was also
perfectly predictable. This was a battle of two not-goods.

Hence the second epiphany: NIST were apparently reasoning that the
testability of the deterministic PRNG was the lesser of the two evils.

But it's not even a binary choice. We can divide the system into components and test with the best available methods for each components separately.

Even the most deterministic crypto implementation will have some squishy properties. E.g., power and EM side channels, resilience to fault injection. The engineering goal is to make the proportion of the system that can be certified rigorously as large as possible and the proportion that can't be tested well at all as small as possible.

They wanted to black-box the PRNG, because black-boxing was the critical
determinant of success.

After a lot of thinking about the way the real world works, I think they
have it right.

It's almost as if they know a thing or two about testing stuff. :-)

Use a deterministic PRNG, and leave the problem of
securing good seed material to the user. The latter is untestable
anyway, so the right approach is to shrink the problem and punt it

Taking that back to Intel's efforts. Unfortunately it's hard to do that
deterministic/seed breakup in silicon. What else do they have?

One thing they could do is provide a mechainsm to access raw samples from the Entropy Source component. I.e., the data that "Intel provided [to Cryptography Research] from pre-production chips. These chips allow access to the raw ES output, a capability which is disabled in production chips."

Obviously these samples can't go back into the DRBG, but some developers would probably like to estimate the entropy in the raw data. They would likely interpret it as a higher quality source if they could reach that conclusion with their own code.

ISTR OpenBSD performs this type of analysis when feeding timing samples into the pool.

The components / black-boxing approach in cryptoplumbing has been ultra
successful. It has also had a rather dramatic effect on everything else,
because it has raised expectations. We want everything else to be as
"perfect" as the block encryption algorithm.

And I want a pony!

Unfortunately, that's not possible. We need to manage our expectations.

I think it's entirely reasonable for us to insist on an efficient high quality source of cryptographically secure random numbers. After all this is the basis of so many other important security properties that we should be grateful for all the powerful simplifying assumptions it enables. Remember the old days when we had to bang on the keyboard and move the mouse in order to generate keys?

What we need to get better at, IMHO, is incorporating experience into our threat model and judging relative risks. For example, a lot of stuff going on in kernel RNGs looks to me like additional complexity that's more likely to breed bugs than to defend against an imagined three-letter agency with space alien supercomputers.

- Marsh
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