
On 2012-06-20 05:32 , James A. Donald wrote:
> If intel told me how it worked, and provided low level access to raw
> unwhitened output, I could find pretty good evidence that the low level
> randomness generator was working as described, and perfect evidence that
> the whitener was working as described.  Certification does not tell me
> anything much.

Good point. And even more so. What I think we would like to have is:

(1) Read access to the raw output of the entropy source.
(2) Possibly read access after whitening.
(3) Write access to inputs of the PRNG

This would allow us to probe that the whole chain works as intended with
KATs for the PRNG part.

This would still not prove that Intel, when MUXing in data from (1)/(2)
into the PRNG actually does something completely different.

Med vänlig hälsning, Yours

Joachim Strömbergson - Alltid i harmonisk svängning.

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