On 1/28/2015 12:49 PM, Marci wrote:
Okay, we see a lot about quantum cryptography and how today's
cryptosystems are mere toys compared to a quantum computer.  Great, but
in this post-quantum world how close are we to seeing it in action?
So, i read the starting message and the according subject "How far are
we from quantum cryptography?"
and when i continued reading the follwing mails i wondered if that even
answered the question, since
quantum computing != quantum cryptography

Ccommon 'quantum cryptography' is basicly a public-key-system with
quantum-states being send from Alice to Bob, i believe we already do
have quite some research on that. Using photons as quantum states and
fibreglass to transfer the photons there have been successful
implementations over > 100 km. In theory there also are some 'secure'
I gues we will be seeing quantum cryptography in action prior to quantum
cryptography mailing list
Yes, we have research but can we see it in action yet?


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