Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

> Alan Gresley wrote:
> > Ian would you have happen to have download IE8 as an overwrite of 
> > IE7? If so those [if lte IE 6] will not be seen by your standalone 
> > version of IE6.
> Just a comment here: we keep on running into these "standalone and
> conditional comments" problems quite often, which complicates debugging
> for some.
> I use complete, original, versions of IE6, IE7 and IE8b1, which means I
> never run into such problems. I see what a regular visitor will see.
> The only extra work I have is that I have to download conditionally
> commented stylesheets separately before I can debug them.

Very true Georg. For a developer wanting to develop for IE6 when using 
conditional comments they must have original standalone versions of IE6, IE7 
and IE8b1 to test with.

Since I never use such comments it does not affect me personally and I now see 
it as a bonus having my version vectors corrupted. I know Georg, you are going 
to cry fowl (ops foul :-) but please consider it from my perspective since now 
my standalone IE6 will never see inside those conditional comment just meant 
for IE6 when I first view a page. I now see the raw IE6 with all it bugs. Very 
quickly I can see the dilemma one is facing with this browser. I say this since 
I often see unnecessary rules in those special style rules for IE6 anyway and I 
don't have the debug them as well as the normal CSS. Since other people are not 
me and don't have access to my head, standalone versions are a must. :-)

> Regarding the original case: it already had those 'hasLayout' fixes - in
> double dose with 'float: left; width: 100%;'. One of those was of course
> enough.

I have updated my fix accordingly.


/* \*/
* html #leftfauxcol {float:left;width:100%}
* html #rightfauxcol {height:1%}

I can't figure out which one is correct. It could be this.

/* \*/
* html #leftfauxcol {height:1%}
* html #rightfauxcol {float:left;width:100%}

<div id="wrap">
    <div id="leftfauxcol">
            <div id="rightfauxcol"></div>

I would think it the first one since #leftfauxcol contains #rightfauxcol. Is 
this correct?

> I found changing image-format wasn't enough though, as I immediately
> changed it to 8bit png (same as gif in this case) and still had
> background-positioning problems in my real IE6 - which led to the
> proposed background-position change for IE6.
> Problem was I forgot to mention the necessary image-format change, to
> make IE6 see the transparent part as transparent, when I responded, and
> I never looked back since my own copy worked flawless.
> regards
>       Georg
> -- 

I tried the 8bit png but I still saw the silver background so I changed it to a 

As a general reminder please understand that there is two ways to debug a page 
either being the quick way or the long way.

1. The quick way is to save the HTML source offline and hot link the linked 
CSS. This way we don't have to download the CSS and images. All we need to do 
now is add an embedded style to the source within the header. For the IE6 fixes 
we just hack IE6 into line in most cases and then we know the exact fixes 
needed. In Firefox we just edit the live CSS.

2. The long way is to create a special offline folder and save the HTML source 
as an index page within this folder. Then we have to either embed the CSS in 
the head or as an external file. Then we have to save particular images and 
change the URL source in the CSS for each crucial image. In this case I had to 
go back to Ian's page and save the header image also since Firefox will reduce 
the height of the header if no image is loaded.

The quick way I did last night. I was able to determine that the right image 
was hiding the left image or is that visa visa (not sure now, confused). This 
took me about and hour. I have taken the longer way now, but since I already 
had the source off-line I had already done most of the debugging and I only 
needed another hour. I also played around with the #header since there was a h1 
header with a negative left margin to hide it from view. This was creating the 
height for the #header and as you adjusted the text size the header area height 
would adjust in height accordingly and sometimes cover content. This h1 header 
needed to be removed from the flow completely by absolute positioning and a 
declared height was needed for the #header. These fixes you will find in the 
main embedded style Ian.

So summing up, using pngs without considering IE6 support for transparent pngs 
can cause confusion when trying to debug a page for IE6. Even though I have 
spent 3 hour including writing emails I do see this as helping me understand 
more about debugging IE6. I only began CSS when IE7 was released so I very good 
with understanding IE7. I also somewhat understand IE6 or earlier bug behavior 
but Georg is a true master with IE6. I will provide this link again.


This document is very important when you are coding to support IE7 or earlier. 
It must be reread quite a few times before it begins to sink in. Thank you to 
all that wrote this document since it finally sunk in for me and gave me the 
knowledge that allowed me to bust IE7 open. Now the new era beckons upon us all 
as our focus now move on to IE8b and in grand tradition of any new version of 
IE we now have fun on our hands and MS now has a broken but much more standard 
compliant browser to fix.


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