> I am looking for a slightly more 'elegant' way of vertically
> centering text depending on whether there are one or two lines.
> I've also just noticed a problem in all browsers except IE7. What I
> want to happen is for the currently selected item to show a different
> background and to change text color, as in [ #navbar a:active ]
> (below) and for this state to remain until another selection is made.
> IE7 does what I want, but other browsers are inconsistent. Some will
> show the correct state whilst the mouse button is down and it's
> possible in at least one other to select an item and drag the pointer
> away from the item whilst holding the button down and the active
> state will remain. It's late at night and I've probably missed
> something obvious!!
> /* Set background for current item */ #navbar a:active { 
> background-image:url(../images/buttons/navactive1x30.gif); 
> background-repeat:repeat; color:white; }

Hi Alan.

I think other browsers are either shifting the focus or not recognizing 
the :active state on your link. Try adding the :focus state into that 
rule as well, like this:

/* Set background for current item */
#navbar a:active,
#navbar a:focus{
   background-image:          url(../images/buttons/navactive1x30.gif);
   background-repeat:         repeat;
   color:                     white;}

It's difficult to fully test that on my local machine because of the 
frames (as you mentioned), but I think that should at least get you 
closer to a solution.

In terms of vertical centering, one solution is just to use padding and 
not rely on pre-determined heights for the links. This also creates an 
accessibility issue (overlapping the text when people [like me] have the 
font size set too high for your site's setup).

If you create a background image which fades to a specific color, you 
can just set the background of the link to that color, center the fade 
gif/png/jpg and let any overflow in odd situations show up as a solid color.

Here's a basic ascii'd example:

solid white link background peaking through
white->blue->white vertical fade [one or two lines here]
solid white link background peaking through again

Throw a little padding in there, use a "best guess" measurement and 
it'll look great on 80% of browsers, be accessible on all browsers, and 
still look decent on the remaining 20% browsers with configurations 
which differ from your local system.

Let me know how it all works out for ya.

Bill Brown

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