Hello all...

I could not help picking up o a bit about IE7, I recently attempted a 
sidebar for my website, and all now works (to some extent) but for IE7.

I was just wondering what is with IE7, IE6 used to be fine, it always 
worked, same with FF but why is 7 casing so many problems?


Alan Gresley wrote:
> Alan K Baker wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I'm in the process of converting an old frames/tables/JavaScript site to all 
>> CSS.
> There many billions of pages needing the same treatment. Please take a 
> look at this screen shot.
> <http://css-class.com/test/images/email-client.png>
> The forth line down run 5 times a wide as my screen. For me to reply to 
> you I first have to edit you message but not the simple way. My email 
> client will wrap my replies at 72 characters length automatically. 
> Discussion about Email clients are off-topic on this list but since your 
> messages are very hard to reply to I have to mentioned them. Here is a 
> good one to use.
> <http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/thunderbird/>
>> It can be found at: http://www.webbwize.co.uk/Test_Area/TEP/index.html
>> I am looking for a slightly more 'elegant' way of vertically centering text
> Is this the fixed navigation where the lower parts are hidden outside 
> the viewpoint. My screen is on 800px high. Is this navigation within frames?
>> [snip] to save you wading through the dreaded frames maze.
> Remove the frames as it make it near impossible for anyone to help.
>> At present my text is centered by [ .oneline a ] and [ .twolines a ].
> OK, where do you mention that .oneline and .towlines is part of the 
> navigation. Some on this list are good detectives since. We have to use 
> our web developers toolbar [1] "outline current element" feature to 
> locate these classes.
>> I've also just noticed a problem in all browsers except IE7.
> That make sense. :-)
>  > I've probably missed something obvious!!
> Yes. When I check you source code all I see is.
> <frameset>
>       <frame>
>       <frame>
> <base>
> </frameset>
> <noframes>
> If you are reading this text, your browser is frames challenged.
> More up to date browsers are readily available.
> </noframes>
> The good browsers are not framed challenged. They just don't use MS 
> propriety garbage code.
>> Help would be much appreciated.
>> Regards, 
>> Alan.
>> www.theatreorgans.co.uk
> So you have to make it easy. :-)
> Sometimes it is easier just to have un-style text to begin with.
> [1] <https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/60>
> Alan
> http://css-class.com/
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