Alan K Baker wrote:
> Hi all.
> I'm in the process of converting an old frames/tables/JavaScript site to all 
> CSS.

There many billions of pages needing the same treatment. Please take a 
look at this screen shot.


The forth line down run 5 times a wide as my screen. For me to reply to 
you I first have to edit you message but not the simple way. My email 
client will wrap my replies at 72 characters length automatically. 
Discussion about Email clients are off-topic on this list but since your 
messages are very hard to reply to I have to mentioned them. Here is a 
good one to use.


> It can be found at:
> I am looking for a slightly more 'elegant' way of vertically centering text

Is this the fixed navigation where the lower parts are hidden outside 
the viewpoint. My screen is on 800px high. Is this navigation within frames?

> [snip] to save you wading through the dreaded frames maze.

Remove the frames as it make it near impossible for anyone to help.

> At present my text is centered by [ .oneline a ] and [ .twolines a ].

OK, where do you mention that .oneline and .towlines is part of the 
navigation. Some on this list are good detectives since. We have to use 
our web developers toolbar [1] "outline current element" feature to 
locate these classes.

> I've also just noticed a problem in all browsers except IE7.

That make sense. :-)

 > I've probably missed something obvious!!

Yes. When I check you source code all I see is.


If you are reading this text, your browser is frames challenged.
More up to date browsers are readily available.

The good browsers are not framed challenged. They just don't use MS 
propriety garbage code.

> Help would be much appreciated.
> Regards, 
> Alan.

So you have to make it easy. :-)

Sometimes it is easier just to have un-style text to begin with.

[1] <>


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