Nice article. I think you have swayed me in the other direction. Now there is
just one more thing I must consider which may change my mind again. I plan to
upgrade to the new version (v5.5) of the Miva Merchant shopping cart. Older
versions didn't fare well with xhtml. I heard that the issue has been
corrected in v5.5. But if I am forced to code in HTML 4.01 - according to your
article, if I throw IE6 into quirks mode, IE7 will also go into quirks mode. I
probably don't want that to happen. So I will find out. Off to the Miva forum.

Thanks again!

> Your choice, of course. I have yet to see any advantages in having IE6
> in its "not very standard compliant mode"...
> <>
> I'll keep it in "quirks mode" until there's not a single one left
> on earth to confront my designs :-)
> I'll even overload IE6 with min/max expressions until it chokes on them...
> <>
> ...just for the fun of it.
> regards
> Georg
> -- 

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