Is there no one that can help me on this issue?

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:02 AM, Timothy Armes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm struggling with a Safari float shrinking problem and I'm
> desperately seeking a solution.  I've spent days on the issue now.
> I have a floated container containing floated fixed sized divs. On FF
> the container shrinks to fit the contents, as is correct for a
> widthless float. In Safari however the container isn't shrinking, it's
> taking up 100% of the available width.
> Here's some minimal code that displays the problem:
> <html>
>   <head>
>      <style>
>         #a { float: left; background-color: red; }
>         .b { float: left;
>              display: block;
>              width: 300px;
>              height: 300px;
>              background-color: green;
>              border: white solid 2px;
>            }
>      </style>
>   </head>
>   <body>
>      <div id="a">
>         <div class="b"></div>
>         <div class="b"></div>
>         <div class="b"></div>
>     </div>
>   </body>
> </html>
> When the window is wide enough to display the 3 blocks the behaviour
> is as expected and the container shrink wraps the floats. However,
> when the window is made narrower we see that the container takes up
> the full width of the window when it should still be shrinking to fit
> the contents, as it does on FF.
> You can also see the bug  in action here:
> It's slightly more complicated than the minimal version above, but the
> problem is the same. In this case the floated outer container is
> centered on the page and there should be a white border around the
> images. In the case of Safari, as in my test code, my outer container
> takes up the available width. This has two side effects:
> 1) The images aren't centered (because the container is too wide)
> 2) My border is far too wide on the right hand side.
> Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated,
> Tim
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