Bill Brown wrote:
> Hello Cristian (Felix, et al),
> This recent email leaves me with a few philosophical questions, however:
> 1. If we can expect a user to know how to set their own default font
> size, can we (should we) expect them to know how to resize the font on a
> given page?

I think most people don't mess with their preferences; consequently, 
they are at default. Those that increase, or decrease, the default 
font-size on their machine deserve to have their preference honored.

> 2. How do we handle fonts for which the same size is not the same size?

Not sure I understand. Are we thinking the "font-size-adjust" property?

> 3. What do YOU say to a client who asks you to make the default font
> size smaller?

Advise against it and supply backup data to prove the point. When push 
comes to shove make it smaller: just make sure the layout would still be 
perfectly functional if it were default.

> 4. Is a font adjustment widget on a website an acceptable interim
> solution...that is until the day when the entire web development
> community agrees to to conform and make all websites with identical font
> sizes?

No interim solution is necessary. All browsers already have the 
mechanism to adjust font-size built-in.

> 5. Are we correct in assuming that all users will always use a computer
> or a browser that allows them to adjust this? A browser on the same
> computer...dedicated to the same user? The university's computer center
> I worked in while in Africa springs to mind.

Don't know what you mean...? I guess you have to make the assumption 
that people know how to use the machine they happen to have in front of 
them at any given time. We'll all be lost if we consider designing to 
the lowest common denominator...

> I'm curious to know the thoughts of others on this. Certainly I can't be
> the only one who bemoans the fact that every design I envision (or that
> a client requests) must be built to look awesome even when the user has
> 32px Courier New as the default font?

There is no disputing taste. Even that of a user.

> Thoughts?
> Bill Brown


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