Del Wegener wrote:
> Good Morning;
> The page in question
> is pretty simple but it is another step for me in using "best practices."
> This uses no tables and I believe my CSS is pretty lean and clean.

I pass: other than to say, some might consider best practice is to 
validate to a "strict" doctype.

> Right now I use Javascript to display content contained in a file.  As time 
> permits I expect to learn enough PHP to do that without Javascript.
> I am interested in:
> 1) Does it look okay in all browsers?

I think it dose fine.

However, if you are into nit-picking, then I guess does it look okay in 
all browsers depends on how one interprets the expression "does it look 
In the wonderful world of personal opinion, setting the primary content 
font-size to suit your preference, rather  than  users preference does 
not "look okay" to me.
Nor I'm not crazy about trying to decipher or read anything in 
print-media or on the Web that is red, white, and blue.
A line-measure of 85 percent of the screen will be difficult for users 
with very wide widows.

> 2) Does the style switcher (monitor vs projection) work well?

I pass.

> 3) Does the footer stay at the bottom of the document?


> 4) Are the header words centered on the document as if the radio buttons 
> were not present?

The words are physically centered.  And they appear to be /visually/ 
centered at narrow screen widths. For users at 1600 and up it is 
difficult to say one way or the other. To visually center the words in 
wide windows (I'm at 1680) the left and right reference points are 
needed so the user can determine just what the words are centered on: 
for example, a 1px solid border on the body declaration.

> 5) Does the print style sheet present a good looking document?

I pass.

> 6) Am I taking full advantage of inheritance in CSS?

I pass.

> Thanks for any and all comments.
> Del 


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