>Unfortunately, invalid code is not
> rendered consistently across browsers because there are no guidelines
> for how to style things that don't meet the guidelines (how's /that/ for
> a mouthful?).

Hello Bill!

Not a mouthful at all... It's like music to my ears after a day like
today! I totally agree with you! I believe it has become one of our
tasks as web professionals to try and influence our entourage on the
importance of creating valid code... Despite not always "getting what
you want". But there are some days where I have to pick my fights and
swallow that pill (in most cases, a pill branded as "Marketing").

> Even after I removed all the errors from the page (including the
> dangling </dd>), I was unable to get FF3 to put the H2 back into the DT...

Uuuuggghhhh.... How embarrassing (the errors)! I feel like a newb.
However, after reading this from the validator:

"This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that
you've forgotten to close a previous element."

I just added a wrapper div around the h2:


And it seems to work fine. For now. A bit annoyed that I have to add
that one extra div just to get the H2 back in....

> Hopefully, the "higher ups" understand the unpredictable nature of
> invalid code and will allow you to do something else instead.

Thanks for the hope! I'll be needing it!! :D

- Sharon
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