Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
> You missed a part of my original answer, I guess…
> set the width of the outer wrapper to something that fit your image,  
> and set the margins to '0 auto'.
> I suggested
> div {
>       width 980px /* eyeballing, the width of your image -- adjust to taste
> but keep it an even number */
>       margin: 0 auto;
>       background: url(path/to/image.png) 50% 50% repeat-y;
> }
> The 980px width is what is needed to show those 'drop-shadow' things.
> Philippe

Now I get it! I misunderstood the 980px number as an attempt to estimate 
the width of my maincontainer (which is 926px; don't ask me why).

OK, a couple of issues now:

1. Is there any way I can get the outer wrapper background to load 
before the content? The background image in the outer wrapper does not 
multiply vertically (repeat-y) until all the content has loaded. This 
happens in Firefox and not IE.

2. In IE, the layout now pokes through the footer div. I recall 
encountering this problem at some point in the design process but don't 
remember how I solved it at the time.


Test page with outerwrap div:

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