MEM wrote:

> 1)      How can I change the align of the UL list to the right ?

It depends on what you mean by that. You can set
ul { text-align: right; }
to align each line in the list content to the right. But this might not be 
what you really want. I suspect that you also want to put the list bullets 
to the right - otherwise it looks a bit odd. In that case, things are a bit 

You can set
ul { direction: rtl; }
but then there will be surprises if you have directionally neutral parts of 
text, like "(1)", in the content. In that case, I'm afraid you would have to 
add extra markup for them, like <li><span>...</span></li>, and use e.g.
ul li span { unicode-bidi: embed; direction: ltr; }

> 2)      After that, how can I add a right margin to it so that the
> lists stays away from the right screen border?

The obvious answer is something like
ul { margin-right: 1em; }
If that doesn't do what you want, then you need to specify what you really 

If you use the technique I mentioned for putting the bullets on the right, 
then the default margin will be on the right (since that's part of the 
defined meaning of direction: rtl).

> Inside a container div with this properties:

Please post a URL in future when describing specific problems. A URL is 
_much_ more useful than fragments of code.

> . mainlinks#navigation ul{

You have syntax errors in your CSS code. It's advisable to use the checker

> I'm stuck here. I have tried text-align:right; on the #navigation BUT,
> nothing happens.

Probably the CSS syntax errors cause that.


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