Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
> MEM wrote:
>>1)      How can I change the align of the UL list to the right ?
> It depends on what you mean by that. You can set
> ul { text-align: right; }
> to align each line in the list content to the right. But this might not be 
> what you really want. I suspect that you also want to put the list bullets 
> to the right - otherwise it looks a bit odd. In that case, things are a bit 
> tricky.
> You can set
> ul { direction: rtl; }
> but then there will be surprises if you have directionally neutral parts of 
> text, like "(1)", in the content. In that case, I'm afraid you would have to 
> add extra markup for them, like <li><span>...</span></li>, and use e.g.
> ul li span { unicode-bidi: embed; direction: ltr; }
>>2)      After that, how can I add a right margin to it so that the
>>lists stays away from the right screen border?
> The obvious answer is something like
> ul { margin-right: 1em; }
> If that doesn't do what you want, then you need to specify what you really 
> want.
> If you use the technique I mentioned for putting the bullets on the right, 
> then the default margin will be on the right (since that's part of the 
> defined meaning of direction: rtl).
>>Inside a container div with this properties:
> Please post a URL in future when describing specific problems. A URL is 
> _much_ more useful than fragments of code.
>>. mainlinks#navigation ul{
> You have syntax errors in your CSS code. It's advisable to use the checker
> http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
>>I'm stuck here. I have tried text-align:right; on the #navigation BUT,
>>nothing happens.
> Probably the CSS syntax errors cause that.

is this something like what you mean?


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