At 07:57 PM 1/17/2009 +0100, Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
>I have no idea who they are either, and finding out is off-topic on this
>list. We're here because we need or are able to provide help to solve
>CSS related problems, and advance the use of efficient, CSS based,
>design solution.

Well, I *do* sincerely hope that I haven't been 
off-topic with my post(s) -- after all, if 
discussing/resolving problems with CSS is the 
subject here, I clearly do have a BIG problem with it. ;)

>If it works for you - and the visitors to the sites you've created, then
>it's fine with me.

Well, in a way that's just it -- I've never had 
any complaints about the useability of my sites, 
the only complaints that I get are that I'm 
"still" using tables for layout and stuff, and 
that I should get up to speed with current 
standards. These complaints (or recommendations) 
come only from fellow web designers, of course -- 
the "average lay person" doesn't generally know 
any better, one way or the other.

In that regard, rest assured that I *do* aspire 
to completely re-doing all of my web sites with 
CSS layouts and stuff -- but the longer I'm on 
this list, the more and more (and more) I 
discover just how much I still have to learn. 
:/  In that regard, however, one of my off-list 
responders indicated that things are slowly but 
surely becoming better, and that in time (at 
least), standards will be such that any 
additional future changes won't be the nightmare 
that switching from tables to CSS has been (and still is).

Is that correct, i.e. that this is where things 
are headed (hopefully soon!), but that we're not 
quite there yet? If that's the case, well, then 
for myself I might as well just back-burner 
re-doing all of my sites, just leave them 
essentially as they are (with table layouts) for 
now, and, in the meantime, I can just continue to 
develop my knowledge and understanding of CSS, 
and then by the time I've got a better handle on 
it all (in a year or two???), then hopefully 
things will be more "stable" and stuff.

Would that be, in fact, a fair recommendation for 
me to take, considering where I'm at right now? 
I'm not really up on what the future plans are 
for CSS, etc., so I don't know if there would be, 
in fact, a good reason to just hold off for the 
moment on making any major changes.

>If they're all present in one page, you may as well point to all of them
>in one post. Problems tend to be related.
>So, unless it runs into several dozen different problems; list them up
>in one post, one by one in ways so they're easy to spot. We can always
>split up the list in more manageable chunks once we see what it's all about.

Sounds like a plan. Off the top of my head, 
there's only about three different issues, 
although I don't *think* they're related.

I'll get back to you/the list on that (gotta get 
together some screenshots to illustrate the 
problem), but in the meantime thanks very much to 
you, and to everyone else, who responded (both on-list and off)!

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